Jumat, 06 April 2012

From the environment the children learn...

If the child is a lot of reproach, that he will get used to blame
If a child is a lot of enmity, he will get used to oppose
If a child fears haunt, he will get used to feel anxious
If a child is much beloved, and he will get used to bemoan his fate
If a child is surrounded by a prank, he'll get used to be shy
If the child is surrounded by jealousy, he will get used to feel guilty
If the child at all understand, he will be accustomed to being patient
If a child is given a lot of encouragement, he was
If a child is much more in praise, he will get used to appreciate
If a child is accepted by the surroundings, he will get used to loving
If the child is not much to blame, he'll get used to happy to be himself
If children get recognition from the left and right, he'll get used to the pace set
When children are treated with honesty, he will get used to seeing the truth
If the child s hand, without partisanship, he will get used to seeing justice
If the child received his security, he will get used to relying on yourself and trust the people around him
If a child is surrounded by friendliness, he will get used to the opinion: "THE WORLD IS REALLY BEAUTIFUL"

....... How your child ???....

of u / Child Autism around the world (Dorothy lownotte, Chidren learn live with what they want)
Indonesia : 
Jika anak banyak di cela, ia akan terbiasa menyalahkan
Jika anak banyak di musuhi, ia akan terbiasa menentang
Jika anak di hantui ketakutan, ia akan terbiasa marasa cemas
Jika anak banyak dikasihi, ia akan terbiasa meratapi nasibnya
Jika anak dikelilingi olok-olok, ia akan terbiasa menjadi pemalu
Jika anak dikitari rasa iri, ia akan terbiasa marasa bersalah
Jika anak serba di mengerti, ia akan terbiasa menjadi penyabar
Jika anak banyak di beri dorongan, ia akanterbiasa percaya diri
Jika anak banyak banyak di puji, ia akan terbiasa menghargai
Jika anak di terima oleh lingkungannya, ia akan terbiasa menyayangi
Jika anak tidak banyak dipersalahkan, ia akan terbiasa senang menjadi dirinya sendiri
Jika anak mendapatkan pengakuan dari kiri-kanan, ia akan terbiasa menetapkan arah langkahnya
Jika anak diperlakukan dengan jujur, ia akan terbiasa melihat kebenaran
Jika anak ditimang tanpa berat sebelah, ia akan terbiasa melihat keadilan
Jika anak mengenyam rasa aman, ia akan terbiasa mengandalkan diri & mempercayai orang sekitarnya
Jika anak dikerumuni keramahan, ia akan terbiasa berpendirian ; "SUNGGUH INDAH DUNIA INI"

.......Bagaimana anak anda???....

u/ Anak Autisme di seluruh dunia (Dorothy lownotte, Chidren learn what they live with)

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

About Lisa Bonita

I was born in Bandung, West Java, dated October 11, 1979. Raised in the city of Tangerang, Banten until I worked and got a soul mate. In the end I married someone from Jakarta, 11 July 2004. Since getting married I lived with my husband in South Jakarta. 13 months later I gave birth to a baby girl is beautiful and healthy.

Many hobbies and my favorite, of food, music, movies and others, so do not be in the Specify. But I like horror movies.

I've worked as an operator "figuring" or cyber cafe for two years. From browsing I came to know many things and finally a friend introduced an online business. Since then I 
many online business from paid to click, paid to an affiliate, paid to surveypaid to chat, and paid to join social network. I was busy at home online jobs without neglecting the home, family and child care.

A pleasure to meet friends of business from various countries. So for mothers at home do not sit daydreaming or just watch TV, we can help their husbands earn a living.  
Lets go...make money online!